BMW oil leaks from the engine area are a common problem that we see at DJ Foreign Auto Care. Since fluids in your BMW do not get used up or go anywhere (with the exception of gasoline and windshield washer fluid) if you notice that any are low, it is likely that there is a leak somewhere. If you notice your oil level is low when you check the oil, it is important to have a reputable BMW repair shop check for leaks right away. If all oil is lost, damage to the BMW engine will extensive and a new engine may even be needed. According to Autohausaz, engine oil is a "...honey or dark-colored, greasy fluid". Symptoms of leaking oil are a burning smell and/or signs of drips or wet spots under the engine or vehicle.
Valve Cover Gasket Leak:
Valve cover gasket leaks are a common BMW oil leak. Valve covers are located at the top of the engine and protect the rocker arms and valves. The covers are bolted to the engine and sealed by a rubber gasket or cork. As noted by Repairpal, valve cover gasket leaks are common on some BMW models such as the X5, after 60,000 miles. Leaks or seeps can even occur sometimes with a new valve cover, but are more common on older cars.
Oil Pan Gasket Leak:
Another BMW oil leak that we see frequently is an oil pan gasket leak. Many BMW engines have an oil pan, which allows for easier access for engine repairs. As the BMW gets older, the oil pan gasket often leaks. The front suspension will need to be removed to replace the oil pan gasket.
Rear Main Seal Leak:
A leak from the rear main seal is a common BMW oil leak that we see. Members of the BMW Car Club of America share that rear seals fail when there is too much wear on the crankshaft and the lip is unable to control the leaking fluid.
Housing Gasket & Timing Cover Gasket Oil Leak:
Some other common BMW oil leaks that we see are from the oil filter housing gasket and timing cover gasket. If there is an oil leak on the left side of the engine or a leak that looks like it's coming from the oil pan, it may be an oil filter housing gasket leak. The oil filter housing has a rubber gasket that hardens and leaks over time. The timing cover gasket is the working seal between the timing cover and the engine block. According to Repairpal, symptoms of wear or failure of the timing cover gasket are oil or coolant leaks. If the timing cover is removed to fix a leak, the timing components need to be thoroughly inspected and replaced, if necessary.
For all of your BMW repair and service needs, contact the professionals at DJ Foreign Auto Care! We are located at: 2626 University Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418. Call today to get on the schedule: 612-588-3305